Past Exhibits
  • From the Vault

    Did you know our museum has over 3,000 objects in its collection? Join us for a curated exhibit of original works of art from the Indian Musuem's unique collection and see two newly acquired works donated by the Michaelis family.

  • July 8 - December 2, 2023
    Voices From the Drum

    This traveling exhibition created by Osage Nation Museum and the Osage Nation Foundation features 20 drums and shares the important role of the instruments within the Osage community.

    The exhibition is thematically arranged to examine how the artists approached the drum, through their culture, their artistic vision, and in relationship to the annual I Lonschka dance. In addition to the 20 drums, the exhibition also includes fine art and a digital display.

    The exhibit assembles the creativity, knowledge and talent of 19 practicing artists including: Norman Akers, Dante Biss-Grayson, Joe Don Brave, June Carpenter, Sarah Elsberry, Anita Fields, Yatika Fields, Jessica Moore Harjo, Kilan Jacobs, Jonathan Lunsford, Harleigh Moore, Ted Moore, Vanessa Moore, Rock Pipestem, Wendy Ponca, Alex Ponca Stock, Jon Red Corn, Addie Roanhorse, and Jen Tiger.

  • June 24 - July 29, 2023
    Following Blackbear

    ​First annual invitational exhibit for Native artists, featuring local Native artists Brandon Buffalohead, Josh Johnico, Michelle Sutton and the three founding artists of the War Clan Collective. It is on exhibit June 24 - July 29.

  • May 13 - June 24
    Voices & Votes and American Indian Vote

    The Smithsonian is coming to Kansas! The Mid-America All-Indian Museum is pleased to announce a special tour of Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, the new Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition from Museum on Main Street. The exhibit explores the history of American democracy and will be on display at the Mid America All-Indian Museum May 13 through June 24, 2023.

    • Elders, Military, Students - $5
    • Adults- $7
    • Children - $3
    • Under 6 – FREE

    Voices and Votes: Democracy in America traces the bold American experiment of a government run by and for the people. The exhibit examines the influences that shaped the early days of American democracy and the changes that have occurred in the nearly 250 years since.

    Democracy is a form of government that requires civic engagement and participation. It is formed by citizens’ responses to ongoing questions: What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens? What is the role of the government in American life? How do citizens participate in democracy? Beginning with the American Revolution, this exhibition explores these questions and more.

    The American Indian Vote.
    A local exhibit accompanying Voices and Votes.

    Native peoples were awarded citizenship in 1924, but the struggle for voting rights stretched on much longer and remains and issue today. Join the Mid-America All-Indian Museum for a closer look at the history of the American Indian Vote and the Native peoples that make up our local, state and federal government.

    Celebrating the Centennial of the 19th Amendment: Women Vote
    A traveling exhibit by the League of Women Voters of Kansas and its Centennial Celebration Committee, will be on display at Mid-America All-Indian Museum from May 13 through June 24.  The exhibit brings to life the history of the women’s suffrage movement in Kansas. Beginning with Clarina Nichols in the late 1800s, visitors will become acquainted with some of the historic women in our state who led the women’s right to vote movement in the early 20th century as they fought for decades to ensure their inclusion in civic life.

    The exhibit also traces the influence of African-American and Native American women who played an integral part in the process even though the right to vote did not include them until much later. The exhibit’s final panel issues a call to action to vote in every election.

    Voices and Votes: Democracy in America has been made possible in Kansas by Humanities Kansas and is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and State Humanities Councils nationwide. It is based on an exhibition by the National Museum of American History. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress.                                 

  • Woody Crumbo: Potawatomi Printmaker

    Take a deep dive into the life and work of the multitalented artist, Woody Crumbo and the Mid-America All-Indian Museum’s extensive collection of prints by the artist. Find out more about his ties to Wichita and why he painted most of his animals blue!

  • From the Vault

    Join us for an exhibit of old and new curated works from the Mid-America All-Indian Center Museum’s unique collection.

  • Ivory Miniatures

    Join us for a closer look at our extraordinary collection of intricately carved ivory miniatures. These stunning works of art were gifts made for Mildred Manty, a Ketchikan Public Health nurse by the Alaska Natives she served.

  • Bring the Bosins Home

    Blackbear Bosin, Kiowa-Comanche artist and one of our museum’s founders, is well known as the creator of the Keeper of the Plains, but he created so much more art in his all too brief career.

    Over the past three years, 26 Bosin originals have been generously donated to the museum’s collection and the Bosin Society raised nearly $60,000 for the preservation fund to care for them all.

    The Bosin Society is a group of people dedicated to conserving and preserving the art and legacy of Blackbear Bosin for future generations. Membership is achieved through donating an original work of art or financial contribution. Donors will be recognized in the Bosin exhibit, on our website, social media and at special private dinners. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. There are a number of pieces which need conservation work.

    Know of anyone with a Bosin original or need more info? Email Museum Curator, Erin Raux, eraux@wichita.gov

  • Unbreakable Code

    Open to the public November 7, 2020

    In the 1940s the United States military developed a specific policy to draft, recruit, and train American Indian speakers to become code talkers for WWII. Join us at the Mid-America All-Indian Museum to celebrate and remember the amazing sacrifices of these valiant men and women.​

  • Away From Home

    ​Date: September 1 - October 17, 2020

    The Mid-America All-Indian Center Museum with a grant from the National Endowment of the Humanities is honored to bring to Wichita, KS, Away From Home, a long standing exhibit from the Heard Museum, Phoenix, AZ. The show examines an important and often unknown period of American history. Beginning in the 1870s the U.S. government aimed to assimilate American Indians into "civilized" society by placing them in government-operated boarding schools. Children were taken from families and transported to far-away schools where all signs of "Indian-ness" were stripped away. Students were trained for servitude and many went for years without familial contact - events that still have an impact on Native communities today, often with a complex and nuanced response.

    Please join us for a closer look into the experience of the American Indian people and boarding schools.

    The exhibit will remain on display from September 1 to October 17, 2020.

  • The American Indian Vote

    Native peoples won citizenship in 1924, but the struggle for voting rights stretched on much longer and remains an issue today. Please join us at the Indian Museum in collaboration with the Wichita-Metro chapter of League of Women Voters for a Multi-Cultural Event open to the public and viewing of the exhibit!​

  • Josh Johnico + Family

    Josh Johnico is a relentless local artist with an extreme passion for painting. He has instilled that passion within his children too! Come check out what this brilliant family has to offer the art world!​

  • People of the Ice and Snow

    In collaboration with the Wichita Art Museum and one of America's premiere glass artists, Preston Singletary's exhibit, Raven and the Box of Daylight, the Mid-America All-Indian Museum sheds light on their extensive Alaskan art collection donated by the late Mildred Manty. Join us in celebrating the exquisitely rich and vibrant culture of Native Alaska!

  • American Indian Nativities

    A display of nativities from the Mid-America All-Indian Center Museum's collection. Opens December 3rd to the public.​

  • Life in Miniature

    ​A display of dolls in Mid-America All-Indian Center Museum's collection.

  • A Posteriori

    ​An exhibit of works by Kiowa-Creek artist, Micah Wesley. On exhibit until October 2019.

    Wesley received his Master of Fine Arts in painting from The Weitzenhoffer School of Visual Arts at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma and his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Wesley is an impressionist/Modernist Native American painter with a focus on identity and references of experience. He is currently residing in Norman, Oklahoma, where he paints and instructs various courses of art history for the University of Central Oklahoma.

  • Objects of Cultural (Mis)appropriation

    ​A gentle reminder that a culture is not a costume.

  • Current

    A display of newly acquired objects from the collection. Open to the public Saturday, Feb 23.​

  • Native Christmas

    Opening date: December 1, 2018

    Come celebrate the season with us and check out our American Indian inspired Christmas tree decorated with handmade ornaments.

  • Nov 8, 2018

    An exhibit on Indigenous housing and objects from our collection that remind us of home.

  • Oct 4, 2018
    Walk a Mile in Our Moccasins

    An exhibit in accordance with Rock Your Mocs - a worldwide Native American & Indigenous Peoples movement held annually, and the remembrance of Trail of Tears, "Walk a Mile in Our Moccasins" is a retrospective show of MAAIC's outstanding moccasin collection.​

  • Keeper Reimagined

    Northeast Magnet art students answer the question, "What would the Keeper of the Plains look like if you were asked to create it?"​

  • Adorned in Silver

    The original Native American silver smith, a Navajo, learned to work silver and iron, from Mexicans hired by a Trading Post owner in the late 19th Century. Modern jewelers still use many of these early methods. The adaptability of tribes, like the Navajos, who quickly learned from the Mexicans the art of the silver smith, brought the Native Americans to become the most productive, skilled turquoise artisans of the jewelry world. Their products serve as symbolic messengers of the Native American ideals and ways.

  • Apr 27, 2018
    Finding Center

    An art experience presented by individuals in the Envision Arts Program who are blind, visually impaired or multi-disabled.

  • Food Traditions

    Our relationship to the earth through food culture surrounds many parts of our lives. Many American Indian traditions and rituals center on the gifts received from Mother Earth and the fruits of the land. This exhibit examines that relationship.

  • Elements: Earth

    Earth is the final installment of our Elements exhibit series, featuring the medicine wheel, or circle of life. The medicine wheel encompasses all of the earth and the life within it. We will explore our relationship to the earth and its place in the medicine wheel.

  • Indians in the Arts

    Many people are aware of traditional American Indian arts. What might be less commonly known, however, is that these art forms are expanding and adapting as our cultures expand and adapt. American Indians create art that honors their heritage and traditions, but combine that with their lived experiences as modern indigenous people. The art found in this exhibit takes a tiny fragment of some of the recent work being created by individuals and groups that can acquaint the public with the contemporary cultural traditions of talented and dedicated artists.

  • Patriot Nations: Native Americans in Our Nation's Armed Forces

    Our latest traveling exhibition form the National Museum of the American Indian is a 16-panel exhibiton that tells the remarkable history of the brave American Indian and Alaska Native men and women who have served in the United States military dating back to the Revolutionary War. This exhibit will be open until September 16, 2017 and military and their families are welcome to visit our entire museum during this time as part of the Blue Star Museums program.

    Patriot Nations: Native Americans in our Nation’s Armed Forces is produced by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. The exhibition was made possible by the generous support of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians.​​​​

    Photo caption: The Native American Women Warriors lead the grand entry during a powwow in Pueblo, Colorado, June 14, 2014. From left: Sergeant First Class Mitchelene BigMan (Apsáalooke [Crow]/Hidatsa), Sergeant Lisa Marshall (Cheyenne River Sioux), Specialist Krissy Quinones (Apsáalooke [Crow]), and Captain Calley Cloud (Apsáalooke [Crow]), with Tia Cyrus (Apsáalooke [Crow]) behind them. Photo by Nicole Tung

  • Elements: Water

    Water is the third installment starting the second year of our Elements exhibit series, featuring the medicine wheel, or circle of life. The medicine wheel encompasses all of the earth and the life within it. We will explore our relationship to water and its place in the medicine wheel.​​​​​​

  • Zuni Fetishes and Carvings

    Fetishes are objects that are filled with the spirits of powerful beings. Zuni people carve stone animals to heal and help the person who has it. Learn about Zuni fetishes and the carvings that are made to resemble them.​​​​

  • The Ken Enquist Collection

    Although the photographic portrayal of American Indians is not unique, this exhibit differs from other representations in several respects. Historic portraits of Indians often presented them in the artificial environment of the studio, frequently having to wear the regalia of a tribe to which they did not belong. Unlike the posed Indians in historic portraits, the individuals portrayed in the current exhibit chose what they would wear, where they would pose, and they tell their story through the accompanying narratives, in which they express what it is like to be an Indian in Kansas today.​

    The underlying purpose of this exhibit is to sweep away the misconceptions, biases, and ignorance that sometimes obscure our understanding of one another. The picturing of Indian people as real individuals, with unique histories, experiences, feelings, and traditions is the best way to dispel some of these long held and unquestioned judgements. In essence, this exhibit contains the self-portraits of American Indians who speak their own story at a moment in time. The images and words seen here should be considered the representations of living people who are forever changing.​​​​

  • Pottery: Formed and Fired

    Pueblo pottery is as varied as the pueblos in which it is created. The Indian Center has 150 pieces from 17 pueblos that showcase the artistry that goes into the making of this art.

  • Cherokee Baskets: Redfern & Bushyhead

    Margaret Redfern Pitzer was a master artist in basket weaving and she taught that skill to Marilyn Bushyhead Kindsvatter. Their baskets showcase Cherokee artistry at its finest, while also focusing on the lives and talents of two women helping to keep heritage craft alive.​​​​​​​

  • Indians in Sports

    This exhibit is a look at American Indians who have contributed to the world of sports. Take a journey from traditional sports played and invented by American Indians to learning about the effect boarding schools had on Indian athletics, bringing us to today and athletes who are up and coming in different fields of sports.

  • Elements: Fire

    It is the second of a four-part series featuring all four elements of the medicine wheel, or circle of life, changing biannually. The medicine wheel encompasses all of the earth and the life within it. We will explore the benefits fire provides for our culture and also the dangers it poses.​​​​​​​

  • Kachina: We Are the Spirit

    Kachina (or Katsina) dolls​​ are physical representations of the kachina spirits, messengers between the human and spirit world. These dolls were originally made by Hopi people to instruct young people about spiritual beings, though now they are made by many southwest tribes for the tourist industry. Examples from our collection will illustrate the types of kachina dolls and highlight their purpose and significance to the Hopi and other people.

  • Elements: Air

    Elements is a two-year exhibit series featuring all four elements of the medicine wheel, or circle of life, changing biannually. Air is the first element featured and symbolizes new life.​​​​​​​​

  • Turquoise

    Turquoise is a stone ever-present in the southwest. Its use in jewelry stretches back to ancient cultures and continues to attract people of all backgrounds. Turquoise is not only beautiful, but also has cultural significance to the American Indians who adorn themselves in the blue-green gem. This exhibit will also show examples of turquoise and silver jewelry, along with turquoise used in other forms, such as animal fetishes.​​

  • Alaska: People of the Ice and Snow

    There are 566 federally recognized tribes. Almost half of those are Alaksa Natives. With over 200 communities, there are as many different art styles. From ivory carvings to intricate dolls, Alaska Native art is as varied and unique as the people who create it. Discover the practical uses for artwork in northern cultures. Explore the techniques that characterize totems, paddles, and masks. Come learn about the people of the ice and snow!​​

  • Gentle Harvest: Every Sheep Gets a Haircut

    "Gentle Harvest: Every Sheep Gets a Haircut" gives a playful look at the history of weaving and its traditions in American Indian culture told from the perspective of a sheep. This exhibit was designed to appeal especially to children.

    There are two themed sections: "Getting to the Bottom of the Basket" and "The Flock Talks". A dozen Navajo rugs and baskets from more than 10 different tribes will be featured as well as a faux sheep covered in real wool and a traditional vertical loom. Many items from the Indian Center's collection as well as hands-on materials illustrate how American Indians gently harvest plants and wool - without harming the environment or animal - to create woven goods.​​​​

  • The Art of Creating Sacred

    "The Art of Creating Sacred" exhibit features ceremonial pipes and pipe bags made between 1870-1900 that are part of the Indian Center's permanent artifact collection. The display focuses on the technique of making pipes and pipe bags, and provides a detailed explanation as to why pipes are held sacred within the American Indian community.​​

  • Indians in Aviation

    Join us for the Indians in Aviation exhibit to learn the story that brought you the Mid-America All-Indian museum! This is the story of the museum’s humble beginnings and the peoples that have rallied behind it through the years.

  • Carry Our Prayers to Heaven​

    The exhibit features bird feathers and featured objects from the mid-1800s to 1900s that continue to be held sacred by indigenous cultures around the world. All pieces are part of the Indian Center's permanent collection.

    Display of bird feathers (eagle, hawk, turkey, goose, pheasant) along with headdresses and fans made with feathers. The Museum worked with Sedgwick County Zoo Curator of Birds Scott Newland to identify the origins of many of the well-preserved feathers in its collection. It was discovered that some were from exotic birds such as blue and gold macaws. To add an interactive component to the exhibit, visitors will be encouraged to learn more about the birds in their natural environment at such places as the Sedgwick County Zoo.

    • Feather Learning Station where visitors can view microscopic images of feathers, learn the science of feathers and flight and discover the importance of birds in nature. The station was created with assistance from the Sedgwick County Zoo and professors in the Ask a Biologist program, which was started by the Arizona State University School of Life Sciences.
    • Golden Eagle photographs taken by nature photographer Bob Gress.
    • Film interview with local Cherokee Elder Bob Marley that gives the history of the Eagle feather giveaway program he established more than 20 years ago to reward American Indian youth for their accomplishments.​​