Walking in Two Worlds: Blackbear Bosin and the Keeper of the Plains
$50 per person which includes an Indian taco bar
All tours must be booked and paid in full at least two weeks in advance and have 20-24 people registered.
Discover the history of the Plains Indians through their culture, art, music and food at the Mid-America All-Indian Museum. Then, learn about the amazing legacy of Blackbear Bosin, from the Comanche-Kiowa tribe who united the community and left a lasting legacy with his iconic Keeper of the Plains monument. In this behind the scenes premier event, we relate that story to the greater story of the American Indians in Wichita and the adaption and evolution of art, music, food and culture. This is a story of creativity, working together as a community, and the drive to make our marks on the world. Come experience culture with us.
Please contact our Education Coordinator, Michelle Conine, to set up a tour at (316) 350-3345 or